Sunday 5 April 2009

LSD Testing

Fantastic lecture this week on Drugs maily focusing on LSD. As stated previously my opinion on drugs is that they should be allowable but controlled and that the individual should be able to make a choice about whether or not to take them. I think the crime surrounding drugs supply and use is far worse than the actual drugs themselves.

The most interesting thing that was discussed at the lecture was the testing of LSD on British soldiers during the 1950s and 60s. It seems to be bad behaviour on behalf of the armed forces (or maybe the Government) to allow this to happen but it seems that soldiers are often the first people to be considered for any testing of this kind.
My Dad was a soldier in the 60s and has told me about drug testing on soldiers that went on during his time - for which volunteers received extra pay. The soldiers who volunteered at the time could in no way have forseen any future health consequences at the time and some have since become ill in later life due to the tests they undertook in their youth.

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